
Nature, its harmony and beauty is our main inspiration.

Face Yoga is a local and independent brand. We understand the impact of business on the environment and feel our responsibility, so we have taken a number of eco-initiatives:

Rejection of the production of rollers on batteries. Each battery contaminates about 20 square meters of land or 400 liters of water with heavy metals if not properly disposed of. Recycling batteries is a complex process.

No packages with a magnet. Magnetic packaging is not recyclable. Therefore, our packages from winter 2021 consist of cardboard without a magnet.

Reusable boxes. We ship Face Yoga bulk orders in boxes that have already been used, thus reducing the amount of new resources required to create packaging.

Support of local zero-waste stores. We want more people to be familiar with the idea of ​​a “no waste” life, so we are happy to supply our massagers in bags, completely without packaging, to concept stores.

Implementation of zero-waste ideas in our products. One of the main concepts of our candles is the absence of waste when using it. The candle set includes a fabric bag that can be used further on the farm, the information card consists of recycled seed paper, we recommend planting it in a glass left from using the candle.

We are constantly working on a program for the sustainable development of the brand and try to implement as many actions as possible that minimise the impact on the environment.

The Face Yoga team believes that every bit of action counts.

With love, Face Yoga team!

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